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![]() INTERNS & VOLUNTEERSFinancial, Security and Legal IssuesIf our fees seem high, it is because we are not subsidized like most intern programs. We enjoy having interns work with us, but there are too many hidden expenses for that alone to make it cost-effective. To get things done, it makes much more sense for us to employ and train Honduran personnel for the long term. We cannot afford to serve as a way station for footloose young people. Development work is difficult and often dangerous. We insist that interns sign a commitment that they will cooperate with our safety requirements. We require that they buddy up with other interns and collaborators, both for security and effective teamwork. All interns (and if appropriate, their parents or legal guardians) must also sign a waiver that if they experience loss or harm as a result of not strictly observing the provisions we have established for their safety, neither we nor the art resource program will be held responsible. No harm has ever come to our interns, but it should be understood that crime has worsened throughout Central America, especially in the aftermath of the hurricane. Honduras is not as dangerous as Guatemala or El Salvador, but it is statistically much more dangerous than the United States. We enjoy adventure as much as anyone, but insist on precautions so long as interns are under our care. If they wish to take an adventurous vacation after their internship period, they may do so at their own discretion and on their own budget. As concerns their budget during the internship period, they should understand that the intern fee does not cover personal expenses such as vacationing, entertainment, dining out, or personal insurance and medical treatment. The fee only covers basic room, board, and training. The surplus helps defray our long-term infrastructure expenses. Interns must raise their own financial support. If sponsored by their school or another institution, all the necessary financial resources must be confirmed and committed well before the arrival of the intern. Prospective interns who cannot muster enough on their own might consider studying the Foundation Center publications, available in most university libraries, for funding possibilities. Most universities also have special support programs for study abroad, and can also arrange to confer academic credit for foreign work experience as well structured studies. Fundraising can also be oriented toward specific projects in the field (on request, we can send a list of field projects both underway and in the works), in which local charitable organizations like the Rotary Club will often be interested. Once the intern has worked with us, we can help with fundraising for follow-through projects. Our own track record in obtaining grants and funding (a short list includes a Senior Fulbright Fellowship, plus important contracts with international development agencies and foundations including the World Bank, the Organization of American States, the Interamerican Development Bank, and the United States Agency for International Development), can provide important advantages for affiliated applicants. For the intern interested in a career in development work, an art resource internship can provide invaluable field experience. For the intern interested in art, an internship can be rewarding in terms of artistic growth and practical experience from participating in art projects, as well as from observing and learning how Sara and I work as professional artists. After making our living as artists for almost twenty-five years with a significant record of gallery and museum exhibitions, grants and awards, we are also in a good position to aid and advise interns in terms of their own art careers, and help them work up portfolios for grant applications, graduate school scholarships, and gallery opportunities. However, we strongly recommend that these internships not be considered on a direct cost-benefit basis. It is impossible to guarantee quick results for a young artist or social worker hoping to get underway professionally. We do what we do because it is worthwhile despite the cost. If the intern cannot accept the way our imperfect world works down here, we plead please don't come! Before advancing in the application process, it is important to consider how the available categories of participation match with each intern's abilities, aptitudes, and financial circumstances. Please note the following options and the differing costs and degrees of commitment they entail.
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National Capital Post Office, Box 77794, Washington, DC 20013 USA | 301.831.7286, 301.829.0137 |