Art Resource Traditions: education and community development with indigenous arts

Education Affiliates

This section of the Art Resource Traditions site is a clearinghouse for organizations and institutions interested in collaborating with art resource projects, both in association with our own base of expertise and also with other institutions listed.

During the early years of the Latin American Art Resource Project, it was formally affiliated with Hood College in Frederick, Maryland. Since then, affiliations have been conducted on a per-project basis, each of which has provided specific strengths and benefits.

There are a number of practical purposes for this listing.

Since the meaning of the word “affiliation” is quite elastic, we ask each organization that submits its name to describe itself and some of the ways that it might be interested in collaborating if funding were to become available. To be in the listing does not signify a commitment to collaborate, but rather an interest in doing so if the right mix of funding and complementarities can be found.

For submissions, please provide the following basic information to

Please briefly describe the nature of your institution, its history, and its facilities. Also indicate the kinds of collaboration in which you are most interested, as well as any special expertise or resource you might be able to bring to such a collaboration.