About This Site
The site was originally created in 2002 by Team Dingo--Rebecca Keller, Wendy Suen, and Kathleen
Audra--as a course project under the supervision of Dr. Elizabeth Chang, Professor of Mathematics and Computer Science at Hood College in Frederick, Maryland. Restructured 2004, by Elizabeth Chang. Text content by Sara Morris Swetcharnik; photos of artwork by William and Sara Swetharnik.
Photo: Sara Swetcharnik with Team Dingo, May 2000.
The nautilus background is derived from a low-relief sculpture by Sara Swetcharnik. A larger view can be found in the Art Gallery section of the site.
The contents of this site, including all images and text, are copyright by Sara Morris Swetcharnik and William Swetcharnik and may not be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of Sara or William Swetcharnik.