Commissioned Work
Public Sculpture:
Animal art, if it stimulates environmental as well as esthetic sensibilities, can do a world of practical good. Art is the most potent medium for the appreciation of animals and their needs. It is also the most elegant and morally satisfying way for wild animals to be present in one's home or office or classroom. Animal sculpture accomplishes this in a fully dimensional sense: it occupies the same world as we; we touch and see it from every angle; and if it is masterfully made, it continually reveals the truth and beauty of its subject. And it causes us to care for its subject.
Contact Sara Morris Swetcharnik for examples of her work and to discuss strategies for strengthening institutions dedicated to the welfare of wildlife by using works of art as award and commemorative objects. These strategies could be of practical interest to conservation organizations, zoological parks, and educational institutions.
Portraits: Sara Morris Swetcharnik occasionally accepts custom portrait work.
For examples of commissioned portraits, see the Portrait Sculpture section of the Art Gallery.
Consulting: Sara Morris Swetcharnik is also available for:
- artistic consulting
- art workshops
- teaching classes
for individuals and organizations.
For inquiries, email